Here’s what we heard at this month’s meeting of the Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee, held online last night:
ADDITIONS: Lots of renovation/addition work under way at the city-sanctioned encampment that’s been on the city-owned Myers Way Parcels for nearly six years. 15 of the 26 new tiny houses mentioned last month have arrived, reported camp manager Scott Harris; none are connected to electricity yet. The new kitchen and shower facilities are in place; the latter is being set up for ADA accessibility. The laundry room is finished and awaiting washers and dryers. New appliances also are on order for the kitchen – refrigerators and a freezer. Two shipping containers are expected as well, one for campers’ storage and another to be used to hold donated items. A new security structure was expected today, replacing the old one.
CURRENT CAMP POPULATION: 39 as of meeting time, with one intake in progress. The camp also is home to three cats and one dog. Two 911 calls were made in April, both for medical assistance. One person is moving into permanent housing this week. Case manager Marjorie Johnson is getting some help, though she wasn’t sure yet if that person will be working part time or full time.
RESTORATION WORK: CAC member Grace Stiller‘s organization Weed Warriors continues working with CSC on restoration of the natural area around the camp, with current projects including a walking trail as well as blackberry-root removal.
The Camp Second Chance Community Advisory Committee meets second Tuesdays, 6 pm, online. Email if you’d like to get notifications.
This is good news and I hope these homes bring some peace and stability and inspiration to many. Thanks to all the people that have put hard work into this community.
In a city whose leadership has repeatedly botched how to address the homeless situation, Camp Second Chance seems like they have done a pretty good job.
Jeepney – agreed and it’s now time to make campers at other sites follow suit and if they choose not to be required to leave.
Where is this place located? Not to complain but because some people I know might want in if its in WS
As noted above, it’s on the Myers Way Parcels. However, there’s no on-site intake – you don’t just show up and get a spot or on a list. You have to be referred through the existing regional system.
Where would one start to apply? I think there might be a few people out there that would like to get into the system and move toward better (or any) housing and just don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?
I would start with a call to 211
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